Monday, May 21, 2012

Postcard #20: FRUITS - Kaori & Suguru

Caption: From FRUITS by Shoichi Aoki
Photo: Shoichi Aoki
Left: Kaori >> 19                                              Right: Suguru >> 18
        Dress >> New Funk                                           Jacket >> New Funk
        Trousers >> New Funk                                      Shirt >> New Funk
        Shoes >> Swear                                                 Trousers >> 20471120
        Bag >> 20471120                                              Bag >> 20471120
        Accessories >> 20471120                                 Accessories >> 20471120
        Point of Fashion >> waya                                  Point of Fashion >> heat
        Current Obsession >> retirement                       Current Obsession >> retirement

Another FRUITS collection postcard. For those of you who don't know what FRUITS is, you can read about it in my first feature of the collection here

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