Saturday, May 12, 2012

Postcard #11: Havana, Cuba

Caption: Ciudad Habana, Cuba.
              Paseo del Malecon.
Received: March 11, 2012

I have a friend - a crazy friend - who decided to go to Cuba. Not only is this friend American, he decided that being American and going to Cuba alone is a good thing to do. As you've probably suspected, digital communication from Cuba isn't very good, and he was certainly without internet for the duration of his trip. I must say, those of us that know him wondered if he was still alive.

And indeed he is! The good news is that he actually returned to us before this postcard reached me, which definitely made getting the postcard a 100% happy occasion. (Instead of the 50% happy, 50% omg-is-he-still-alive??? anxious).

The stamp is also very very cool. It's the 50th anniversary of Ministerio del Interior, and feature several modes of transportation. It's also big enough to almost cover my name on the address, haha.

This is probably the one and only mail I'll ever receive from Cuba. Special might be an understatement. Enjoy!

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