Thursday, July 12, 2012

FRUITS! Collection #12: Mayumi & Rika

Caption: From FRUITS by Shoichi Aoki
Photo: Shoichi Aoki
Left: Mayumi >> 18                                   Right: Rika >> 17
        Shirt >> in Ikebukuro (area of Tokyo)          Dress >> second-hand
        Skirt >> second-hand                                    Skirt >> the one I used during the scientific experiment...              
        Shoes >> Adidas                                           Shoes >> Nike
        Accessories >> at Bunkaya Zakkaten            Accessories >> Cecil McBee
        Point of Fashion >> a date with Rika-chan    Point of Fashion > > a date with Mayumi
        Current Obsession >> behaving like Gals     Current Obsession >> playing being Gals

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