Wednesday, July 11, 2012

FRUITS! Collection #11: Heri & Tahe

Caption: From FRUITS by Shoichi Aoki
Photo: Shoichi Aoki
Left: Heri >> 18                                                  Right: Tahe >> 18
        Stole >> at Hanjiro                                                Stole >> at Hanjiro
        Dress >> second-hand                                           Jumper >> Vivienne Westwood
        Shirt >> high school uniform (customized)            Dress >> at Birthday
        Shoes >> high school uniform                               Shirt >> 20471120
        Point of Fashion >> matching Tahe                       Shoes >> high school uniform
                                                                                      Point of Fashion >> matching with Heri-chan
                                                                                      Current Obsession >> Akiko Wada (a singer)

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