Sunday, April 29, 2012

Postcard #2: Rome

Caption: Roma. Il Tevere con San Pietro (The Tiber with St. Peters)
Photo: Alberto Cecchi

This was a postcard I sent to my parents when I traveled to Rome a few years back, during my college spring break. So naturally, I (temporarily) stole it back from my parents to scan it for your entertainment. Unfortunately, there are a few scuffs from whatever machine it went through at the postal services.

In regards to the postcard... I will tell you that my friends and I walked all the way to the top of the St. Peters dome. Yes, that really tall dome you see in the postcard. We went all the way up there, 323 steps up, then 323 steps down. Going up was surprisingly fine; I remember being extremely excited and probably fueled by such. And honestly, even if you're tired, the sights from the top of that basilica will have you forget it in a heartbeat.

Coming down though, nearly killed my knees. (Funny that you don't notice the stress on walking down steps until you repeat it like, 323 times). I remembered having purposely worn my comfy old tennis shoes for this trip, knowing that we'll be doing a lot of walking and that those shoes are well broken into. And by the time we rested in the lobby, my poor shoes were destroyed - on both shoes the creases near the front where your toes curled were split wide open. I had to throw them away that night at our hostel, haha.

The stamp features the Vatican, says "Il Perugino del Papa la Pala della Resurrezione" - which is "Perugia, the Pope of the altarpiece of the Resurrection."

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